Dr. Guillermo Hansen is professor of Theology and Global Christianity and the MLK Chair of Justice and Christian Community. Since 2017 he also serves as Director of Advanced Theological Education (ATE). A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he taught as tenured professor of systematic theology and ethics (1996-2008), was the chairperson of the department of systematic theology (2000-2008) and director of post-graduate and doctoral studies (2003-2008) at the Instituto Universitario ISEDET – Ecumenical Theological University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hansen received the Master of Divinity degree from ISEDET (1986), the Master of Sacred Theology degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio (1988), the Master of Theology degree (1990) and the Doctor of Philosophy degree (1995) from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC).
Hansen also served as assistant instructor at Trinity Lutheran Seminary (1987-1988), assistant and taught as visiting professor at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (1990-1993, 2000), Universidad Luterana Salvadoreña, El Salvador (1993), the Lutheran World Federation Global Course (2009), the Comunidad Teológica de Mexico (2016, 2018), and at the University of Iringa, Tanzania (2024). Hansen held several positions in the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina and Uruguay ranging from Vice-President to director of confessional studies for the ministerium, and has participated of many study and research projects in the Lutheran World Federation –where he also served as a theological advisor to the Department of Theology and Studies. Additionally, he has done work with the ELCA and served as member of the steering committee of the Association of Teaching Theologians of the ELCA/ELCIC, and in the ELCA Executive Planning Team for the observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Most recently he has been a member of the LWF study project on the “Self-understanding of the Lutheran Communion,” and instructor for ELCA seminarians attending the Assembly of the LWF in Krakow, Poland (2023).
Hansen has lectured and presented at numerous theological conferences and church workshops in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Namibia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, France, and the US, and most recently being the lecturer for the “Luther Colloquy” at United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg (2023). He has published numerous articles, essays and chapters in both Spanish and English on public theology, theology and science, church and globalization, and themes on Lutheran and contemporary theology. Hansen’s published books include (with Dr. Nancy Bedford), Nuestra Fe: Una introducción a la teología cristiana (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2023) and En las fisuras: esbozos luteranos para nuestro tiempo (In the Fissures: Lutheran Sketches for Our Times – Buenos Aires, VELKD Publications, 2010).
His areas of teaching expertise include Lutheran Theology, Systematic Theology, Global Christianity, Liberation Theology and Post-colonial theologies, Theology and Sciences (concentration in cognitive science and evolution) and Theology and Culture/Society (concentration on Late-Modernity, Globalization, Secularity and Pluralism).