- Ph.D. (University of North Carolina)
- Ordained (ELCA)
- M.Div. (Luther Theological Seminary)
- Th.M. (Luther Theological Seminary)
James Boyce came to Luther Seminary as an instructor in New Testament and Greek in 1970 and was promoted to professor in 1987. Earlier, he had been an instructor in Latin at Augsburg (1964-65) and a graduate instructor in classics at North Carolina (1968-70).
Ordained in 1972, Boyce was minister of education at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, in 1974-77, and co-pastor in 1977-79 during a parish leave from the seminary. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Philological Association.
He was acting editor of Word & World in 1990-91 and was associate editor in 1993-94. He has also been involved in leading students on archaeological digs in Israel since 1980.
A graduate of Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, he received the M.Div. degree from Luther Seminary in 1971, and the Ph.D. degree from North Carolina in 1974.
Boyce is the author of Let’s Study Greek (2002), and Grammar Notes for New Testament Greek (2003) and is a co-translator of Mark the Evangelist by Willi Marxsen (1969). His numerous articles and book reviews include, “The Poetry of Spirit: Willing and Doing in Galatians 5 and 6.” (Word & World, 2000).