Woman, Weeping in the Garden (ACS 935)
1 Woman, weeping in the garden,
who has pushed the stone aside?
Who has taken Jesus’ body;
Jesus Christ, the crucified?
2 Woman, waiting in the garden,
after men have come and gone;
after angels give their witness,
silently you watch the dawn.
3 Woman, walking in the garden,
Jesus takes you by surprise;
when the gardener calls you, “Mary!”
faith and joy meet in your eyes.
4 Woman, weeping in the garden,
weep for joy, for you have seen
Jesus, the Messiah, risen;
Christ, of whom the prophets dream.
5 Woman, dancing from the garden,
find the others and proclaim
Christ is risen as he promised;
tell the world he knew your name!
Text: Daniel Charles Damon Words © 1992 Hope Publishing Company
Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A730924
I was not aware of this hymn until my April 2022 Living Lutheran arrived in the mailbox and my eye was drawn to the Grounded in Grace column and its title, “‘Mary’ EASTER,” by Angela !Khabeb. This was not a Merry Christmas story in a December issue of our church periodical. No, this was a song of sorrow that leads to celebration of the Risen Lord. From weeping and waiting in the garden, Mary’s heart-journey brings her to Easter’s surprise! She hears her name called out by a familiar voice in stanza 3, and “faith and joy meet in her eyes.” The rest of her emotional journey is the “weeping for joy” expressed in dance! “Woman, dancing from the garden, find the others and proclaim Christ is risen as he promised; tell the world he knew your name!”
The next outdoor Easter Sunrise Service I lead will begin with women weeping in the garden and its ending will be never-ending with everyone weeping for joy!
Risen Christ, hearts were still heavy that first Holy Saturday when you were in the tomb. Out of the depths we cry to you, but on Easter our tears glisten with joy! Thank You, Risen Jesus! Amen.