My Life Flows On in Endless Song (ELW 763)
1 My life flows on in endless song;
above earth’s lamentation,
I catch the sweet, though far-off hymn
that hails a new creation.
No storm can shake my inmost calm
while to that Rock I’m clinging.
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,
how can I keep from singing?
2 Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing.
It finds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing? (Refrain)
3 What though my joys and comforts die?
The Lord my Savior liveth.
What though the darkness gather round?
Songs in the night he giveth. (Refrain)
4 The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
a fountain ever springing!
All things are mine since I am his!
How can I keep from singing? (Refrain)
Faithful people of all generations have known heartache, despair, and tribulation, but faithful people have also known deep joy, love, and celebration. The prophet proclaims to a nation that feels downtrodden and despised, “Kings shall see and stand up,” when they see this nation lifted up by God. The psalmist declares, “[God] put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Paul writes to the Corinthians. “You are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” John the Baptist exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!”
Following Jesus’ call may take us through hardship and suffering that can make it hard to see and believe in God’s saving love. However, there are those epiphanies, those moments of revelation, that lift us up and remind us: “My life flows on in endless song…. How can I keep from singing.”
Saving Jesus, in those times when the struggles of life threaten to overwhelm us, lift our eyes to you and remind us of your call to us that we might rejoice and keep on singing. Amen.