Karoline Lewis, Marbury E. Anderson chair in biblical preaching, is the author of “Belonging: 5 Keys to Unlock Your Potential as a Disciple,” published in January by Abingdon Press.
“Belonging” helps readers to understand and live out Christian discipleship in a way that is most deeply authentic for themselves, asking: “What does it look like for you to belong to Jesus Christ? Not your colleague, or your professor, or your neighbor, or the leaders of your denomination, but you?”
Structured around the story of the Samaritan woman, the book guides the reader to discover deep connection with biblical characters who lead to self-discovery, evoking insights about self, theology, and discipleship.
“Sit at the sunlit well with Jesus and this nameless woman. … Listen deeply, and discover, as she did, the keys for living as a beloved, belonging disciple of our Savior,” said Peter M. Wallace, author of “A Generous Beckoning: Accepting God’s Invitation to a More Fulfilling Life.”
Explore a deeply personal pathway for Christian discipleship.