Andrew Root, Carrie Olson Baalson professor of youth and family ministry, and Blair D. Bertrand are the authors of “When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation,” published by Brazos Press in May 2023. In it, they ask: What if the solution for the decline of today’s church isn’t more money, people, programs, innovation, or busyness? What if the answer is to stop and wait on God?
The themes from Root’s critically acclaimed Ministry in a Secular Age series anchor “When Church Stops Working.” Through insights from the book of Acts and stories from contemporary congregations, Root and Bertrand illustrate how actively waiting for God can bring new life to leaders and churchgoers struggling with burnout.
“There are many books written about the state of the church, and they fall into every literary genre: true crime, romance, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. And if they have the word ‘crisis’ or ‘decline,’ they can tip into being self-help, business management, and even home improvement,” said The Most Rev. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. “What I value about this book is that it is theology—as it seeks to address where we are by reminding us of who God is and who we are. Because it puts God in the center, it is a profoundly hope-giving book, engaging us all by diagnosing the real crisis of faith and encouraging us to live alertly and expectantly within that. The church needs teachers like this.”