One of my favorite works of art at Luther Seminary is by He Qi entitled, “Peace Be Still.” The painting takes its inspiration from Mark’s gospel (Mark 4:35f ). Jesus is crossing the Sea of Galilee. The winds and waves buffet his boat. Jesus is “asleep on the cushion.” He Qi captures that moment when Jesus awakens and takes command of the stormy seas. “Peace, be still.” The message is clear: Jesus is Lord not only over the forces of nature but also over mission trips “to the other side of the sea.”
This picture near my office serves as a devotional meditation for me every morning: Be at peace! Jesus is in our boat, calming troubled seas and setting the stage for bold new mission ventures. This is a great message for a new president.
God has sent Luther Seminary on a mission trip to educate leaders for Christian communities in a season of “stormy weather.” This is a time of apostolic calling. What an honor to serve this high calling with so many supporters of the seminary all around the country. This annual report shares some of the ways we are striving to answer God’s call and send Christian leaders together. You will find many signs of hope and strength in these pages. God is faithful! The faith will flourish!
As we continue this exciting mission venture of faith, our goal is to keep our eyes fixed on the one at the front of the boat who is calling out to the wind, to the waves and to us.
Thank you for your support and prayers.
Richard H. Bliese, President