On May 5, more than 200 donors and students gathered for the Blessings event. Blessings is an annual opportunity for scholarship donors of named endowed or current scholarship funds and the students they support to gather together for dinner and a worship service.
“What a wonderful event!” said Bob Torkelson, a scholarship donor and member of Luther Seminary’s Board of Directors. “Scholarship donors get to meet their student recipients and the students get to meet the donors who make their education possible. In addition, donors get to meet others who have the same philanthropic interests. Every year, I really enjoy the fellowship of this event!”
Jill Rode, an M.Div. junior, said of the event, “This was my first Blessings event. Seeing so many donors in attendance, I felt a tremendous amount of honor and pride to be a scholarship recipient. I am so grateful for all of our donors, and especially those who have supported students through scholarship gifts.”
This year’s program included a message from scholarship donors Gerald and Joyce Knippenberg, who shared why they give through scholarship support. Mandy Brobst-Renaud, an M.Div. middler, offered thanks on behalf of the students.
Photos of this year’s event are available at www.flickr.com/photos/lutherseminary. Choose Sets, and then choose 2011 Blessings.