Hark, the Glad Sound! (ELW 239, verse 2)
1Hark, the glad sound! The Savior comes,
the Savior promised long;
let ev’ry heart prepare a throne
and ev’ry voice a song.
2He comes the pris’ners to release,
in Satan’s bondage held.
The gates of brass before him burst,
the iron fetters yield.
3He comes the broken heart to bind,
the bleeding soul to cure,
and with the treasures of his grace
to enrich the humble poor.
4Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace,
your welcome shall proclaim,
and heav’n’s eternal arches ring
with your beloved name.
In stanza 2 of our theme hymn for Advent, prisoners are released from bondage, from the iron fetters that bind them. Advent celebrates the coming of the Messiah, the One who frees us from the powers that keep us hooked in dysfunctional patterns, whether on a personal or a corporate level.
We need at least some degree of or access to wealth, power and human knowledge or technology to function in life. But even the good things in life can have a demonic hold over us if we allow them to control us — if they become our gods. Even our ideas about God or our own notions of what is good and right can take on a demonic form when we allow them, and not the God who promises mercy and love, to rule our lives.
Only the God who promises mercy and love can free us from these traps and the dysfunction and pain they create. This is the God the Messiah ushers into our lives.
Dear God, help us discern where we are trapped in sin and dysfunction. Help us discern where demonic power has taken hold in our lives. Free us from all that keeps us from loving you and the neighbors you also love. Amen.