Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery (ELW 334, st. 6)
6 Living Water of salvation,
Be the fountain of each soul;
Springing up in new creation,
Flow in us and make us whole,
Flow in us and make us whole.
Words and music by Marty Haugen
© 1984, GIA Publications, Inc.
Reprinted under #A730924
As I write this devotional, I am in Minnesota, and winter is fast approaching. But today the sun shone brightly and the temperatures stretched into the 50s. A neighbor of mine told me it would be a good idea to water the evergreens that line my backyard. I thought this was strange advice, but she said the trees would draw on that soaking throughout our long winter.
In a similar way our watery baptism sustains us throughout life. Each day we are reminded by the Holy Spirit of our baptismal dying and rising. Christ’s love sustains us as we move about our daily callings in our families, workplaces, and communities. It is a stream that runs deep with clear and cool water, “flowing in us and making us whole,” as our hymn says so well.
Lord Jesus, we thank you that you have forgiven us and adopted us into your family in our baptism. May this living water sustain us as we walk with you on your way to the cross. Amen.