Climb Sunshine Mountain
Climb, climb up sunshine mountain,
Heav’nly breezes blow;
Climb, climb up sunshine mountain,
Faces all aglow
Turn, turn from sin and doubting,
Look to God on high;
Climb, climb up sunshine mountain,
You and I
You probably can imagine the energetic motions that accompany this Sunday School song! They begin with alternately raising arms and knees as if climbing, followed by hands fanning breezes, and then, fingers circling faces with beaming smiles. Smiles disappear as children turn from sin, but they soon look up and sing the words, “Look to God on high.” The song ends with vigorous pointing demonstrating this is a shared journey between “You and I.”
This song reminds me of Moses’ and the disciples’ glowing, mountaintop encounters with the Divine. We adults sometimes over-analyze those texts; we may even turn to some doubting. Perhaps we need to remember what Christ later said, “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it” (Luke 18:17). Join together you, I, and everyone—in the joyful journey of climbing up sunshine mountain with our faces all aglow!
God on high, empower us to turn from sin and doubting. Please grant us child-like, glowing joy as we climb up life’s mountains. Amen.