On Our Way Rejoicing (ELW 537)
1 On our way rejoicing
gladly let us go.
Christ our Lord has conquered;
vanquished is the foe.
Christ without, our safety;
Christ within, our joy;
who, if we be faithful,
can our hope destroy?
On our way rejoicing,
as we homeward move,
hearken to our praises,
O blest God of love!
2 Unto God the Father
joyful songs we sing;
unto God the Savior
thankful hearts we bring;
unto God the Spirit
bow we and adore,
on our way rejoicing
now and evermore. [Refrain]
Beginning with words found in Acts 8:39, this hymn reminds us of the journey of faith on which we have been reflecting this week. It was a favorite of my mother’s. Especially when decisions to be made or circumstances to be endured were difficult, we could be encouraged to continue on with confidence. The personal presence of the cosmic Christ is our outer safety, our inner joy, and the protector of hope. So, the life-long faith journey will be a continuing Doxology praises to our “blest God of love.”
Loving God, as we on this Sabbath once again celebrate the Resurrection, may we receive your gift of life, so that all we think, say, and do may praise you and bring your healing grace to this world you so dearly love. Amen.