If you want to see where the energy is in the church today, go visit a new mission start.
First Quarter 2009
Three Graduates Live Out Their Calls As Mission Developers
Luther Seminary intensified its focus on missional development in the 2000-2005 strategic plan, Serving the Promise of Our Mission.
Christians’ Callings in the World: Five-Seminary Grant Funds New Ways to Teach
If you had to guess which section of the Sunday newspaper God would be most interested in, what would
you say?
Edith Gage Takes Ministry Into the Home with Art
In a time when the Bible was newly translated from Latin to common language, Martin Luther decided to bring God’s word front and center into the homes of parishioners.
Legacies of Quello and Hanson Honored in Future Preachers
Luther Seminary has long been known for producing outstanding preachers, but two new efforts aim to deepen preaching skills for pastors already in the parish.
The Path of a Mission Developer at Luther Seminary
Quit preparing your graduates for a church that no longer exists. This was the challenge a pastor gave then-president David Tiede in 1987.
Aus Lecturer Boyd Examines the Cruciform Life
During finals week at Luther Seminary, a joke told among frantic students when completing assignments is to hold one’s arms out, hang the head and declare with exhaustion, “It is finished.”
Convocation 2009 Engages Scripture for the Sake of the World
As Christians we are called to read the Bible. What does it mean to read the Bible “for the sake of the world?”