While I was preparing to write a piece on leadership in new ways for this magazine, I received this letter. It inspired me so much that I want to share it with you. Sometimes the “new ways” need to be
informed—and inspired—by the old ways of faithfulness. Enjoy!
Reprinted with permission.
Spring/Summer 2011
Distributed Learning program brings seminary to the students
For many people called to ordained ministry, relocating to seminary just isn’t possible. With steady jobs and families to care for, these would-be students once had no other choice but to forgo seminary studies.
Creating daylight: Luther student co-founds facility for children in war-torn Kenya
As far as friends go, Michael Kimpur and Nathan Roberts couldn’t be more different.
Blessed are the Poor: How a mission start congregation in Seattle lives out the Sermon on the Mount
Across the country, churches are trying multiple techniques to improve ailing membership numbers. Some churches advertise on television or the radio, others purchase billboards, update their websites or make Facebook pages. Some churches stream their worship services online; others send postcards in the mail.
Enter the Bible impacts congregations in multiple ways
Eager to gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word, many congregations have found EntertheBible.org instrumental. Several now incorporate the online reference tool into their regular studies of scripture, allowing them to dig deeper into God’s Word. Enter the Bible empowers church leaders, both lay and ordained, to share biblical teachings with the world. Supporting this […]
Olson Campus Center: Exciting changes ahead
Beginning May 13, Luther Seminary will execute its first major construction project since 1984, when the Olson Campus Center was originally built. “This move is motivated by the desire to create a warm, welcoming and hospitable environment on campus, with greater accessibility,” said Don Lewis, vice president for finance and administration. Along with offering better […]
Two international alums appointed to new leadership positions for LWF
Two of Luther Seminary’s international alums, the Rev. Dr. Musa Panti Filibus, ’98, and the Rev. Dr. Elieshi Mungure, ’07, have taken prominent positions at the Lutheran World Federation. Filibus, who previously served as LWF Area Secretary for Africa, has been appointed director of the LWF Department for Mission and Development (DMD) for a term […]
Sowing seeds in good ground: Alum-in-Residence Pat Lehrer
Hoping to build community and encourage current students, Pastor Pat Lehrer, ’04, of West Nidaros Lutheran Church in Crooks, S.D., was on campus March 14-18 as this year’s alum-in-residence. While at Luther, she attended classes, shared her story with students and preached in chapel. “Leaders who are committed to discerning what God is up to […]