On Our Way Rejoicing (ELW 537)
1 On our way rejoicing
gladly let us go.
Christ our Lord has conquered;
vanquished is the foe.
Christ without, our safety;
Christ within, our joy;
who, if we be faithful,
can our hope destroy?
On our way rejoicing,
as we homeward move,
hearken to our praises,
O blest God of love!
2 Unto God the Father
joyful songs we sing;
unto God the Savior
thankful hearts we bring;
unto God the Spirit
bow we and adore,
on our way rejoicing
now and evermore. [Refrain]
This hymn fills my heart with joy! When we process out, singing, at the end of the service, my body wants to boogie down the aisle. In years past, we have spent time together praising the God of hope, celebrating the Risen Lord. The Easter season is bright with the colors of jubilance!
This long stretch of fasting from fellowship, during the pandemic, has made us aware of the power of worship gatherings. People tell me how much they long to be together, praying and feasting and singing. I am thankful for all who make virtual worship possible. It has helped us get through this time. But it can’t replicate the deep satisfaction that communal worship brings. There is Holy Spirit power weaving us together when we gather.
Wherever we are, thankful hearts and adoring voices are raised to Christ who has conquered the power of death and burst out of the tomb with the power of life!
Blest God of love, may Easter joy fill your people as we endeavor to serve you. Shine through us with that joy so we may be a blessing to others. Amen.