My Song is Love Unknown (ELW 343, verse 1)
1 My song is love unknown,
my Savior’s love to me,
love to the loveless shown
that they might lovely be.
Oh, who am I that for my sake
my Lord should take frail flesh and die?
For the next few weeks, we have the opportunity to reflect on the words of Samuel Crossman’s hymn, “My Song Is Love Unknown.” Though I am not familiar with the music or history of this Lenten hymn, I am able to focus on its text. I am immediately drawn to the message the author sounds through his linking use of the word “love.” In the first four lines, we read the word “love” five times. Crossman sets up the overall message of the hymn by giving away the ending already at the beginning of his work. Throughout the remaining weeks of Lent we will learn more about this love. As the writer goes on to reflect on love, we quickly learn, even at the end of this first verse, this is not the love of romantic comedies and Hollywood. This is a love that knows no bounds, a love that goes beyond feeling and sentiment. For this love is not something we can recreate, but it is given to us.
Holy Spirit and breath of life, you speak to us through your incomprehensible love. Give us the courage to listen for that voice of love that we may then love one another. Amen.