Holy Spirit, Truth Divine (Evangelical Lutheran Worship 398)
Holy Spirit, truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine;
breath of God and inward light, wake my spirit, clear my sight.
Holy Spirit, love divine, glow within this heart of mine;
kindle ev’ry high desire; purge me with your holy fire.
Holy Spirit, pow’r divine, fortify this will of mine;
by your will I strongly live, bravely bear and nobly strive.
Holy Spirit, peace divine, still this restless heart of mine;
speak to calm this tossing sea, stayed in your tranquility.
Holy Spirit, right divine, king within my conscience reign;
be my guide, and I shall be firmly bound, forever free.
Text: Samuel Longfellow; Music: Orland Gibbons; Public Domain
This hymn describes the many gifts of the Holy Spirit and invites us to turn to the Spirit for guidance in many of life’s difficult situations. The author knows that many of the things that Jesus does for us, the Holy Spirit does for us as well, and that much of what we do through the Holy Spirit does not make sense in this world. The final line, for example, speaks of having the Spirit as guide as being bound and at the same time free. The Holy Spirit blows where it will. The Spirit moves in and through us beyond our expectations to lighten our load in so many ways, if only we will let it be so. The Holy Spirit gives us what we most need—clears our sight, gives us truth, calms our fears, and so much more! The Holy Spirit helps us to think more like God!
O Holy Spirit, guide us and help us to see the world as you would have us see it. Make what is important to you important to us. Amen.