There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (ELW 588)
1 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, Like the wideness of the sea;
There’s a kindness in his justice Which is more than liberty
There is no place where earth’s sorrows Are more felt than up in heav’n.
There is no place where earth’s failings Have kindly judgment giv’n.
2 There is a welcome for the sinner, And a promised grace made good;
There is a mercy with the Savior; There is healing in his blood.
There is grace enough for thousands Of new worlds as great as this;
There is room for fresh creations In that upper home of bliss.
3 For the love of God is broader Than the measures of our mind;
And the heart of the eternal Is most wonderfully kind.
There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has been shed;
There is joy for all the members In the sorrows of the head.
4 ‘Tis not all we owe to Jesus; It is something more than all:
Greater good because of evil, Larger mercy through the fall.
If our love were but more simple, We should take him at his word;
And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of the Lord.
In the last years of his long life, when my dad was asked the question “How are you doing, Rusty?” He exclaimed, “Grateful!” Today—Sunday—would be a great day to be grateful.
Isn’t it wonderful that the love of God is broader than the measures of our mind? Isn’t it a relief to be reminded by this lyricist that God doesn’t own or identify with our zeal for strictness?
As you find space in your day for Sabbath, rest easy in the love and kindness of God made real in Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit to breathe in you a peace that passes all understanding. Enjoy that peace! If you feel the need to keep track of something today, count your blessings.
Gracious God, let us take you at your word. You love me. You are with me. I’ll be ok. Thank you for my many blessings. Help me to grow in gratefulness. Amen.