Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now, ELW 527
1 Lord Jesus Christ, be present now;
Our hearts in true devotion bow.
Your Spirit send with light divine,
And let your truth within us shine.
2 Unseal our lips to sing your praise
In endless hymns through all our days;
Increase our faith and light our minds;
And set us free from doubt that blinds.
3 Then shall we join the hosts that cry,
“O holy, holy Lord Most High!”
And in the light of that blest place
We then shall see you face to face.
4 All glory to the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To you, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise throughout eternity!
This German hymn invites Jesus to be present now because we are ready to worship. Our worship includes listening and hearing what God has to say through scripture, prayer, and the preaching of the word. Our worship is strengthened through the Holy Spirit who opens our lips to praise our Creator and Redeemer. And even though it is certainly possible for us to worship God alone, when we are joined together as a faith community, along with the eternal saints, in person or online, there is a special strength and witness.
This musical prayer asks for enlightenment in God’s ways, deeper faith to follow, and freedom from those doubts that would hold us back from praise. Finally, in the last verse, we give our all as we praise the Trinity now and into the future. May it be so.
Lord, loosen our lips to praise you. Unbind our hearts to love you. Strengthen us for the journey as we follow you. Amen.