Filled with Hope and Gratitude (ACS 907, Verse 2)
2 God’s eternal mercy, meant for all of humankind,
is given as deliv’rance from oppression.
The powerful and haughty find that
they are now cast down,
the lowly raised beyond this world’s derision.
Text: Paul Damico-Carper, b. 1981, based on Luke 1:46–55
Text © 2013 Augsburg Fortress
Reprinted under #A730924
With its mention of God’s mercy, the first line of this hymn verse recalls one of Christianity’s most basic prayers: “Lord have mercy!”
It is seemingly so simple and so short, but it gathers all the hopes, fears, and gratitude we hope for and see in the Lord. The prayer is there in the gospel story, but it has taken on ever new meanings in the lives of Christians. It has been a common utterance in churches around the world and on the lips of countless faithful believers. We are all looking for mercy.
Besides the reference to God’s mercy, today’s verse recalls the pain and suffering we have in the world. “Lord have mercy” is both a prayer and a plea. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on your creation.
Christ is mercy and love. We can trust that when we utter this humble prayer, he is listening, and he will indeed have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen.