Filled with Hope and Gratitude (ACS 907, Verse 3)
3 Hungry people eat good things and find an honored place;
the rich are sent away though they are hungry.
The promise to our forebears
God renews for us today:
the world is filled with God’s abundant mercy.
Text: Paul Damico-Carper, b. 1981, based on Luke 1:46–55
Text © 2013 Augsburg Fortress
Reprinted under #A730924
“The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” (Luke 1:49)
From one point of view, God had made Mary’s life much more difficult—just think of the troubles that she was to undergo in her lifetime! Unwed mother, refugee, peasant woman, and all the traumas of her son’s life—so often she did not understand. But she trusted God. How many times have we said of something, “That was tough, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Mary could say, in spite of everything, that God had done great things for her—that is faith!
Wonderful Creator, give us such vision and faith to see the great things that you have done and will do for us. May we trust in your promises. Amen.