Jesus, Still Lead On (ELW 624, focus on v. 3 & 4)
1 Jesus, still lead on, till our rest be won;
and, although the way be cheerless,
we will follow, calm and fearless;
guide us by your hand to the promised land.
2 If the way be drear, if the foe be near,
let no faithless fears o’ertake us,
let not faith and hope forsake us;
safely past the foe to our home we go.
3 When we seek relief from a long-felt grief,
when temptations come alluring
make us patient and enduring;
show us that bright shore where we weep no more.
4 Jesus, still lead on, till our rest be won;
heav’nly leader, still direct us,
still support, console, protect us,
till we safely stand in the promised land.
There are many difficulties in life, and we can be tempted to despair. But this hymn works as a prayer, pointing out that in those times when life has become difficult, we have a helper to work with us. Long-felt grief and temptations are dealt with by Jesus, making us patient and giving us endurance, and holding the promise of life with him always before us.
In the last verse, the writer of the hymn prays for all the benefits of following Jesus to be ours: the guidance, support, consolation, and protection of Jesus to be with us as long as we live; and eternal life with Jesus when our journey is over.
Help us, Lord Jesus, to hold your promise close to our hearts, and give us your strength to hang on to the promise for life. Amen.