Jesus Loves Me! (ELW 595)
1 Jesus loves me! this I know,
for the Bible tells me so;
little ones to him belong,
they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
yes, Jesus loves me,
yes, Jesus loves me,
the Bible tells me so.
2 Jesus loves me! he who died
heaven’s gates to open wide;
he will wash away my sin,
let his little child come in. [Refrain]
3 Jesus loves me! he will stay
close beside me all the way;
when at last I come to die,
he will take me home on high. [Refrain]
During my years serving in a long-term care facility, I learned that for services held with residents in memory care units one hymn stood out. Facing memory loss and a variety of related struggles, they sang with vigor and conviction, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” It was heartwarming and sometimes quite emotional for me to hear this beautiful “choir” singing resolutely the gospel centered in the One who carried our sins to the cross, buried them there forever, and overpowered death for us as he rose from the dead. Though many of these people had lost so much along with their families, God through the Holy Spirit was still embracing their lives. This gracious promise is also for you. This Jesus loves you more than you can fully realize; he forgives your sins; he is with you forever, and he will not allow death and the grave to have the last word about you.
God of Mercy, thank you for loving us without boundaries. Hold us in grace and peace, forever. In Jesus Name. Amen.