- Olson Campus Center
- Bockman Hall
- Gullixson Hall
- Old Muskego Church
- LDR Apartments
- Stub Hall
- Northwestern Hall
Olson Campus Center
1490 Fulham Street, St. Paul, MN 55108
Public Building Hours
- 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday
The Olson Campus Center is home to the Chapel of the Incarnation, a lecture hall, the choir room, dining spaces, and the Information Desk.
- Lower Level – Lecture hall, choir room
- Ground Floor – Chapel of the Incarnation, Admissions, cafeteria and main dining room, Information Desk
- Upper Level – Charles and Sharon Olson Commons, Olson Dining Room, Dean of the Chapel, Financial Aid Office, seminar meeting room, and meditation chapel
Bockman Hall
2375 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
Public Building Hours
- 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday
Bockman Hall houses the Office of Technology as well as classrooms, a student lounge, staff and faculty offices, and student dormitory rooms.
- Lower Level – Office of Technology, meeting rooms
- First Floor – Classrooms, Academic Dean’s Office, Human Resources, Registrar’s Office, Advanced Theological Education, mail room, faculty offices, and student lounge
- Second Floor – Meeting rooms, Business Office, Contextual Learning, Innovation, Stewardship Leaders Program, Marketing and Communications, Seminary Relations, and Student Affairs Office
- Third Floor – Residential student housing
Gullixson Hall
2375 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
Public Building Hours
- 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday
The second floor of Gullixson Hall houses the library. Gullixson Hall also contains the rare book room, faculty offices, classrooms, and a computer lab.
- Lower Level – Concord office, student computer lab, faculty and staff lounge, Word and World Office
- First Floor – Classrooms, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office, and President’s Office
- Second Floor – Library
- Third Floor – Rare book room and Archives, classroom, meeting room
- Book Stacks – Levels 3-8 of the Library
Old Muskego Church
This piece of history was built in 1844 in Wisconsin by Norwegian immigrants and then moved to Luther Seminary in 1904 piece by piece. It is still used for special services on campus. Contact events@luthersem.edu with any questions.
LDR Apartments
1559 Fulham Street, St. Paul, MN 55108
The LDR building includes efficiency and one-bedroom apartments.
Contact housing@luthersem.edu for rental inquiries.
Stub Hall
2329 Hendon Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
Northwestern Hall
Northwestern Hall is not used regularly by the seminary community.