I'll Fly Away
We cannot publish the text for today's hymn due to copyright limitations. We apologize for the inconvenience. However, you may find a recording and video here on YouTube.
One hot, sunny morning last month, my congregation worshipped outside with a bluegrass band. Folding chairs and parishioners slowly migrated into the shade during the service. My kids were squirmy and sweaty, wandering off to play hopscotch and poke each other when their father wasn't watching.
My three are proof that kids soak up all kinds of holy language during worship — and without even knowing it. They are able to color and bug each other and eat snacks while liturgy and refrains sneak into their souls. At bedtime that night, one of my daughters told me, "Mom, I am not afraid to die. I'll just fly away." I don't always know the context for such declarations on the part of my children, but this time I felt sure. I stroked her hair and started to sing the song she'd heard that morning. She smiled and nodded — so glad to be understood.
Lord of all hopefulness, when the wind blows, remind us that your Spirit is near and we do not need to be afraid to die. We'll just fly away into your eternal keeping. Amen.