All research that involves human subjects and is conducted under the auspices of Luther Seminary by its faculty, staff or students is required to be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
This area of the website is intended to provide the information, instructions, and forms that you will need to initiate and undertake the process necessary to gain approval by the IRB of a research proposal that involves human subjects. No research involving human subjects may be initiated until IRB approval has been obtained.
IRB approval is obtained through the submission of an Application for the Approval of Use of Human Subjects in Research. The rules and procedures governing the IRB approval process is governed by Luther Seminary’s IRB Policies and Procedures. The first step in the application process, however, is to read and follow carefully the IRB Approval Information and Instructions. The material included there will not only guide you through the process, but will assist you in shaping your research proposal in a way that will help you protect human subjects in your research and ensure prompt and efficient consideration of your project.
IRBÂ contacts
Peter Susag, IRB Chair
Gullixson Hall Library Office
Jennifer Mullenix, IRB Administrator
BH 111
Mailing Address
Luther Seminary
Office of Advanced Theological Education
2481 Como Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108