In Christ There Is No East or West (ELW 650, Verses 1-2)
1 In Christ there is no east or west,
in him no south or north,
but one community of love
throughout the whole wide earth.
2 In Christ shall true hearts ev’rywhere
their high communion find;
his service is the golden cord
close binding human-kind.
Singing the first verse of this hymn reminds me of my being directionally challenged. A sense of relief comes over when I hear that “the one community of love is throughout the whole wide earth.” This reminds me that in a world so often divided, I still belong. We are gathered not despite our differences, but in order that we might learn from one another. Our creator’s love appreciates all that we bring to the “high community” mentioned in verse two. Humankind’s vision may not be able to imagine that unity, but we believe in a God whose vision eclipses and transcends ours. In our desperation to belong, we often settle for any force that invites us. May we not forget the love of God that seeks to unite us with divine intentions.
God of gathering and rest, overpower our human failures with your love. Let your acceptance shine through the faces we long to dismiss. Amen.