On Our Way Rejoicing (ELW 537, Verse 1)
1 On our way rejoicing
gladly let us go.
Christ our Lord has conquered;
vanquished is the foe.
Christ without, our safety;
Christ within, our joy;
who, if we be faithful,
can our hope destroy?
On our way rejoicing,
as we homeward move,
hearken to our praises,
O blest God of love!
This familiar hymn invites us to live life as a journey of discipleship. It holds out the promise that as we face the challenges and competing voices of this life, we can hold onto the hope that Jesus’ presence gives us. He has conquered the grave and opened the way to eternal life. He also abides with us here and now. Ultimately, there is nothing standing between us and the path God sets for us that cannot be overcome through Jesus’ presence with us on the journey. He is the one who gives us life and sustains us. We need not fear. So may we let go of this world’s demands and be constantly “on our way rejoicing” in the way of God.
Holy God, help us to rejoice as people on the way, following you in hope and faith. Amen.