God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me (All Creation Sings 1084)
1 God, be the love to search and keep me;
God, be the prayer to move my voice;
God, be the strength to now uphold me:
O Christ, surround me;
O Christ, surround me.
2 Bind to myself the Name of Holy,
great cloud of witnesses enfold;
prophets, apostles, angels witness:
O Christ, surround me;
O Christ, surround me.
3 Brightness of sun and glow of moonlight,
flashing lightning, strength of wind,
depth of the sea to soil of planet:
O Christ, surround me;
O Christ, surround me.
4 Walking behind to hem my journey,
going ahead to light my way,
and from beneath, above, and all ways:
O Christ, surround me;
O Christ, surround me.
5 Christ in the eyes of all who see me,
Christ in the ears that hear my boice,
Christ in the hearts of all who know me:
O Christ, surround me;
O Christ, surround me.
Text and Music: Richard Bruxvoort Culligan; Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A730924
Do you have a hymn you turn to when times are difficult? Or do you find yourself humming a hymn? This hymn is one I turn to. No matter the challenges I may face or the obstacles that come my way, this hymn reminds me that I do not journey alone. For Christ is present wherever I look, wherever I go, and whatever I am doing.
The image of Christ surrounding us is an image of protection and presence. Since the abundance of God is around us, the question is how we will live in response to God’s presence. Will we seek the Christ who is always calling, always seeking us, or will we listen to the voice of the world which says there is never enough?
Surround us Christ with your presence. Keep protection near and danger far. Keep your light within and darkness out. Circle me Lord with your peace when I am anxious. Circle me Lord, grant hope within when troubles come. Christ, may you surround me with grace sufficient for each day. Amen.