Good Christian Friends, Rejoice (Evangelical Lutheran Worship 288)
1 Good Christian friends, rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
give ye heed to what we say:
Jesus Christ is born today;
ox and ass before him bow,
and he is in the manger now.
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!
2 Good Christian friends, rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now ye hear of endless bliss:
Jesus Christ was born for this!
He has opened heaven’s door,
and we are blest forevermore.
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!
3 Good Christian friends, rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now ye need not fear the grave;
Jesus Christ was born to save!
Calls you one and calls you all
to gain the everlasting hall.
Christ was born to save!
Christ was born to save!
Text: Medieval Latin carol; Music: German carol; Public Domain
This medieval carol, originating in Latin, is simple and clear. I’ve always liked that about it. The first verse opens with an invitation to all Christ-friends to rejoice, and to do so fully, in heart, soul, and voice. We are free to wholly embody our praise. It announces the reason for our joy: that Christ is with us—in the manger now, born today. Note the immediacy, the present tense of the poetic imagination—what happened two millennia ago still is happening now, today. Jesus is born again today, and his birth will keep happening, for us, for all Christ friends, and for ox and ass and all the other creatures. Simple, clear words with a surprisingly grand message.
Most Holy Child, we rejoice in your coming, two millennia ago and now, today. Let us join the song of your simple message with all our hearts, souls, and voices to welcome you again and again. Amen.