Psalm 147:12-20 (NRSV)
Read Psalm 147:12-20 on
Verse 12Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion!
Verse 13For he strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your children within you.
Verse 14He grants peace within your borders; he fills you with the finest of wheat.
Verse 15He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.
Verse 16He gives snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes.
Verse 17He hurls down hail like crumbs- who can stand before his cold?
Verse 18He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow, and the waters flow.
Verse 19He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel.
Verse 20He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the Lord!
I live in Minnesota, where snow can blanket us thicker than wool, where frost can scatter a sparkling coat of chilled crystals everywhere, where hail falls as crumbs—or sometimes even like golf balls or baseballs. We regularly get called upon to stand before God’s cold here in the north. But God gives more than northern cold. God gives wind and water, strength, children, finest wheat and the blessing of peace. God’s word, taking on human flesh in Jesus, runs swiftly out to us, granting all that we need and more. God’s way of dealing with us is special. God’s deal is to have the Word melt us into praise. Praise the Lord!
Declare your Word to us again gracious God so that we are filled, warmed, strengthened, and sent out to praise you and bless all that you have made. Amen.
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