The internship committee is a small group of five to eight people, meeting monthly (or every other month in the case of a concurrent internship) with the intern, who have agreed to develop a supportive relationship with the intern. You will learn, grow and struggle together as you help each other develop your unique ministry
The purpose and role of the internship committee is unique as part of the Formation Team (more information on the Formation Team is available in the Internship Committee Handbook).
The Committee offers the student intern feedback and perspective from someone in the community as they experience the intern’s presence, ministry, and leadership.
The committee’s purpose includes:
- nurturing and supporting the formation of a future leader of God’s church
- knowing and loving the student who is learning in your congregation
- an awareness that you are a part of the mission in God’s church.
It is our prayer that you and your student intern will learn with and from each other, and that the grace, hope, and joy of the Gospel is woven in and through your work together!
- Midpoint Evaluation
- Midpoint Student Response Review – review your intern’s response to your evaluation
- Final Evaluation
- Final Student Response Review – review your intern’s response to your evaluation
The midpoint and final evaluations ask the same questions at two different points during the internship. This allows interns, supervisors, and internship committees to mark the intern’s progress and growth.
Supervisors and committee chairs must complete the forms online and print copies for themselves.
Internship committees also participate in the evaluation process. The committee chair is responsible for submitting the online evaluation form on behalf of the committee. However, the entire committee is expected to participate in the evaluation process by giving the chair their opinions on the evaluation questions. The evaluation questions are available for review in the Appendix of the Internship Committee Handbook.
Please note: It is the responsibility of the intern, and/or supervisor to assist the internship committee chairperson with basic technology support as needed.
The Contextual Learning office is available to assist as well as needed. If assistance is needed, having the supervisor or intern view your computer screen with you, is the best place to start. The Contextual learning Office is available, as a second option, to talk you through the steps, but we are unable to view your computer screen.
If you have any questions regarding the evaluations, please contact the Contextual Learning office.
We are here to help and support the intern, supervisor and committee!
Lay Committee training video
Watch the Lay Committee training video with audio descriptions