Don’t miss a deadline!
Ongoing feedback and evaluation enable the interns to learn how others view their ministry, and to identify their strengths and weaknesses. While feedback is a constant process throughout the year, formal feedback occurs in the form of evaluations that are completed online.
Due | Form | Submitted by |
Within first 2 weeks of the internship | Confirmation of Internship Placement. Confirms contact information, supervisor and lay committee chair, and financial agreements. This form may be updated throughout the year in adjustment to changing circumstances. Email the Contextual Learning office directly if your information needs to be changed. |
Intern |
Within first 4 weeks of the internship | Learning Goals. Feedback should be solicited from both the supervisor and the Lay committee in the development of this document. This form may be updated even after it has been submitted, to allow for changes in the learning goals. | Intern |
Within first 1 or 3 months of the internship | 1 or 3-month evaluation. It is the intern’s responsibility to mail a hard copy of the evaluations, with signatures, to their candidacy committee, if required. Evaluations and signatures are submitted electronically to Contextual Learning. | Intern Supervisor |
Within first 6 months of the internship | Project Proposal. Feedback should be solicited from both the supervisor and the Lay committee in the development of this document. This form may be updated even after it has been submitted, to allow for changes in the project focus. | Intern |
At mid-point of the internship (6 months for a 1-year/full-time, approximately 10 months for a 2-year/part-time) | Mid-point evaluations. It is the intern’s responsibility to mail a hard copy of the evaluations, with signatures, to their candidacy committee, if required. Evaluations and signatures are submitted electronically to Contextual Learning. | Intern Supervisor Committee |
At the conclusion of the Internship (9 to 12 months for a 1-year/full-time, approximately 18 to 24 months for a 2-year/part-time) | Final evaluations should be completed before the intern leaves the site. It is the intern’s responsibility to mail a hard copy of the evaluations, with signatures, to their candidacy committee, if required. Evaluations and signatures are submitted electronically to Contextual Learning. | Intern Supervisor Committee |
At the conclusion of the Internship (9 to 12 months for a 1-year/full-time, approximately 18 to 24 months for a 2-year/part-time)
Project Report. When the project is completed, the intern should complete this online form. | Intern |