For the Mid-point and Final Evaluation forms
Lay Internship Committees are required to submit a joint evaluation of the intern twice a year. In order to facilitate discussion and consensus amongst the committee members, we are displaying the questions here. However, it is the responsibility of the committee chair to collate the group’s responses and complete the actual evaluations online. The form must be submitted online.
The questions are the same on both the mid-point and final evaluation forms. Keep in mind that the description part of the question is far more important the ranking.
Final evaluation also has one additional part, that of the final recommendation and paragraph. That paragraph must be restricted to a very brief account of the intern’s qualifications, and you will be challenged to be as brief as possible because the form will not allow you to type in more than 800 characters (including punctuation marks and spaces). However, it will be the task of all committee members to contribute their ideas to that final paragraph. Remember that the form should reflect the observations of the entire committee, and not just of the committee chair.
Section 1 QuestionsSkills needed for pastoral leadership: competency levelsA. Leading Worship B. Preaching C. Teaching Adults D. Teaching Youth and Children E. Evangelism F. Pastoral Care G. Visionary Leadership H. Theological Understanding I. Administration J. Stewardship Leader K. Leadership of Social Ministry Section 2 QuestionsPersonal characteristics needed for pastoral ministryA. Call to ministry B. Goals C. Preparedness D. Key Relationships E. Congregation’s experience F. Receiving feedback G. Work habits H. Strengths I. Growth areas J. Further development Final recommendation(for use on the Final Evaluation only)Recommendation to the seminary (choose one):
Summary Paragraph (800-character limit) |