In Thee is Gladness (Evangelical Lutheran Worship 867)
1 In thee is gladness
amid all sadness,
Jesus, sunshine of my heart.
By thee are given
The gifts of heaven,
Thou the true redeemer art
Our souls thou wakest;
our bonds thou breakest.
Who trust thee surely has built securely
And stands forever: Alleluia!
Our hearts are pining
To see thy shining,
Dying or living,
To thee are cleaving;
naught can us sever: Alleluia!
2 Jesus is ours!
We fear no powers,
Not of earth or sin or death.
He sees and blesses
in worst distresses;
He can change them with a breath
Wherefore the story tell of his glory
with heart and voices;
all heav’n rejoices
in him forever: Alleluia!
We should for gladness, triumph o’er sadness,
love him and praise him
and still shall raise him
glad hymns forever: Alleluia!
Text: Johann Lindemann; Music: Givanni Giacomo Gastoldi; Public Domain
If new psalms were to be added to the psalter, verse one of this hymn would be a good candidate for the category of praise. Combined with its joyful tune, this hymn is uplifting and delightful to sing. How can one not be happy when singing the words, “Jesus, sunshine of my heart.” We live daily in the promise of eternal joy because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. On days when joy is thin or lacking in our earthly life, words like these can assure us and hold us up until there is joy or happiness in daily life.
A title theme for the second verse, if it were also considered for inclusion in the psalter, might be: Introducing Jesus. This verse is informative without being overwhelming. Jesus is introduced as accessible and unconditionally loving.
Together these verses combine to encourage our hearts, voices, hands, and feet to sing Jesus’ praise.
Loving God, help me to use the gifts and skills you have given me for your people. Amen.