Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life (Evangelical Lutheran Worship 816)
1 Come, my way, my truth, my life:
such a way as gives us breath;
such a truth as ends all strife;
such a life as killeth death.
2 Come, my light, my feast, my strength:
such a light as shows a feast;
such a feast as mends in length;
such a strength as makes his guest.
3 Come, my joy, my love, my heart:
such a joy as none can move;
such a love as none can part;
such a heart as joys in love.
Text: George Herbert (1593-1632); Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Peter, in the Gospel reading this week, gave his testimony of who Jesus was. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gave his self-testimony: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” This haunting tune (in a minor seventh key) compels the singer to reflect what that way, truth, and life means for one’s own self.
With respect given to the hymn writer’s interpretation, the question might be asked, “How do you define the ‘way, truth, and life’ of Jesus?” Given the claims of Madison Avenue, how does the way of Jesus shape our consuming nature? Given the upcoming Presidential election, how does the truth of Jesus shape our voting decisions? Given our propensity toward individuality, how does the life of Jesus challenge our attitudes about the quality of life of others? The way in which we testify about the meaning of Jesus’ self-testimony may give breath, end strife, and kill death, not just for ourselves, but for others.
Challenge us, O God, to go deep in confessing who you are, and having our lives shaped by what we believe. Amen.